Hugs98 on the iPhone

20 septiembre 2008

It’s true! Haskell on the iPhone.

If you are like me and love to learn programming languages but your duties don’t allow you to test that lovely brand new algorithm on a computer ( as there is no one near available … being at the park is a good example ).

Now you can, … on your iPhone  😉

Hugs98 is  *THE* Haskell interpreter, it almost supports all Haskel98 specification, you can check all the details at

Please enjoy this hugs98 package for the iPhone installable at cydia and installer, it is included by default in the comunity sources, so you’ll only have to refresh your sources and it will be there, in the development section.

Just install com.wordpress.argaldo.hugs98 (hugs98) and/or com.wordpress.argaldo.hugs98-packages (hugs98-packages) if you want full hugs libraries ( as included in hugs98 source distribution ).

Then, open the console application and run ‘hugs’.

For the brave user:

Here are the links where you can access the .deb files that package hugs for the iPhone:

